Sustainability Segment: Cuquis Robledo and Clark Matthews

Guests Cuquis Robledo, Coordinator at Storytellers Series, and Clark Matthews, Lead Producer at Rooted in Rights, a program of Disability Rights Washington, speak with Diane Horn about the Rooted in Rights project and the Rooted in Rights Storytellers Film Festival. 

Sustainability Segment: Sharon London and Michelle Wainstein

Guests Sharon London of National Wildlife Federation, and Michelle Wainstein, Field Conservation Associate at Woodland Park Zoo, speak with Diane Horn about supporting wildlife in the city and the 2018 Wildlife in the City Week.

Sustanability Segment: Stephen Jones

Guest Stephen Jones, Director of The Washington State University Bread Lab, speaks with Diane Horn, about the work of the Bread Lab to to breed and develop publicly available varieties of grains and other crops that will benefit farmers, processors, and end-users while enhancing access to affordable and nutritious food for all members of our communities

Sustainability Segment: Katherine Strange

Guest Katherine Strange, Technical Analysis Manager at Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, speaks with Diane Horn about health implications of PM 2.5 particulate pollution and steps being taken to reduce PM 2.5 in the Puget Sound region.