Sustainability Segment: Ahmed Gaya

Guest Ahmed Gaya, Field Director, Yes on 1631, speaks with Diane Horn about Initiative 1631, which would charge pollution fees on sources of greenhouse gas pollutants and use the revenue to reduce pollution, promote clean energy, and address climate impacts.

Sustanability Segment: Alberto Rodriguez

Guests Alberto Rodriguez, Duwamish Valley Advisor, Office of Sustainability and Environment, City of Seattle, and Paulina Lopez, South Park resident and Manager, Duwamish Valley Youth Corps, speak with Diane Horn about the Duwamish Valley Action Plan: Advancing Environmental Justice & Equitable Development in Seattle.

Sustainability Segment: Bruce Speight

Guest Bruce Speight, Executive Director at Environment Washington, and State Director at Environment Washington Research & Policy Center, speaks with about the report “Electric Buses: Clean Transportation for Healthier Neighborhoods and Cleaner Air.”

Sustainability Segment: Lisa Remlinger

Guest Lisa Remlinger, Evergreen Forests Program Director, Washington Environmental Council, speaks with Diane Horn about the 2018 State of our Forests and Public Lands Report: An Evaluation of Public Lands Commissioner Hilary Franz's Results.