Sustainability Segment: Nick Abraham and Christopher Wierzbicki

Guests Nick Abraham, Communications and Accountability Manager of Washington Conservation Voters and Washington Environmental Council, and Christopher Wierzbicki, Interim Executive Director of Futurewise. speak with Diane Horn about environmental legislation in the 2017 Washington State Legislative Session.

Sustainability Segment: Peter Godfrey-Smith

Guest Peter Godfrey-Smith, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the Graduate Center, City University of New York, and Professor of the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Sydney, speaks with Diane Horn about his most recent book “Other Minds: The Octopus, The Sea, and The Deep Origins of Consciousness.”

Sustainability Segment: Paulina Lopez

Guest Paulina Lopez, Community Engagement and Outreach Manager of the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition/Technical Advisory Group, speaks with Diane Horn about the work of the Coalition's Duwamish Valley Youth Corps to support restoration and revitalization of Duwamish Valley neighborhoods.

Sustainability Segment: Vlad Gutman-Britten and Seth Zuckerman

Guests Vlad Gutman-Britten, Washington Director, and Seth Zuckerman, ClimateCast Editor, of Climate Solutions speak with Diane Horn about the prospects for addressing climate change under a Trump Administration.

Sustainability Segment: Chuck Collins

Guest Chuck Collins, Senior Scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies. speaks with Diane Horn about his most recent book “Born on Third Base: A One Percenter Makes the Case for Tackling Inequality, Bringing Wealth Home, and Committing to the Common Good.”