Guest Gordon Padelford, Executive Director of Seattle Neighborhood Greenways, speaks with Diane Horn about the work of Seattle Neighborhood Greenways to advocate for biking and walking in Seattle and to create safer streets.
Sustainability Segment: Irit Tamir
Guest Irit Tamir, Director, Private Sector Department, Oxfam America, speaks with Diane Horn about Oxfam's Behind the Barcodes Campaign.
Sustainability Segment: Bruce Herbert
Guest Bruce Herbert, Founder and Chief Executive of Newground Social Investment, speaks with Diane Horn about progress made by shareholder advocacy in creating positive change in publicly traded corporations during 2018.
Sustainability Segment: Eric de Place
Guest Eric de Place, Programs Director at Sightline Institute, speaks with Diane Horn about the status of fossil fuel development projects in the Pacific Northwest and the environmental implications for Northwest and global communities.
Sustainability Segment: Elizabeth Fournier
Guest Elizabeth Fournier speaks with Diane Horn about her book “The Green Burial Guidebook : Everything You Need to Plan an Affordable, Environmentally Friendly Burial.”
Sustainability Segment: Wyking Garrett
Guest Wyking Garrett, President and CEO, Africatown Community Land Trust, speaks with Diane Horn about efforts to maintain the identity of and prevent displacement in the Central District.
Sustainability Segment: Danielle Shaw and Sophia Ressler
Guests Danielle Shaw, Local Government Affairs Manager of the Washington Environmental Council, and Sophia Ressler, Staff Attorney at Puget Soundkeeper Alliance, speak with Diane Horn about Nature’s Scorecard.
Sustainability Segment: Amy Carey
Guest Amy Carey, Executive Director at Sound Action, speaks with Diane Horn about the work of Sound Action to protect Puget Sound's vital nearshore habitat and species.
Sustainability Segment: Rich Hatfield
Guest Rich Hatfield, Senior Conservation Biologist at the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, speaks with Diane Horn about bumble bee conservation and the Pacific Northwest Bumblebee Atlas Project
Sustainability Segment: Alicia Daniels Uhlig
Guest Alicia Daniels Uhlig, Living Community Challenge and Policy Director, International Living Future Institute, speaks with Diane Horn about the Living Community Challenge.