Sustainability Segment: Cathy Tuttle and Deb Salls

Guests Cathy Tuttle, Executive Director, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways, and Deb Salls, Executive Director, Bike Works, speak with Diane Horn about progress made on implementing Seattle greenways, including the work of the Rainier Valley Greenway Group.

Sustainability Segment: Eric Sorensen

Eric Sorensen, Executive Director, Carbon Roots International, speaks with Diane Horn about the work of Carbon Roots International, a Seattle non-profit that produces green charcoal and biochar to reduce deforestation, increase agricultural productivity, and alleviate poverty in Haiti.

Sustainability Segment: David Bobanick and Benjamin Rasmus

Guests David Bobanick, Executive Director, and Benjamin Rasmus, Harvest Against Hunger Program Director, Rotary First Harvest, speak with Diane Horn about the work of Rotary First Harvest to address hunger in Washington State.

Sustainability Segment: Rob Dietz

Guest Rob Dietz, Editor of the Daly News, and former Executive Director of CASSE, the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy, speaks with Diane Horn about his book “Enough Is Enough: Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources”, co-authored with Dan O’Neill.

Sustainability Segment: Jill Mangaliman and Nanyonjo Mukungu

Guests Jill Mangaliman, Lead Organizer, and Nanyonjo Mukungu, Steering Committee Member for the Young Workers in the Green Economy Project, for Got Green, speak with Diane Horn about their new report “Environmental Justice, Jobs, and Education: Seattle’s Young Adults Speak Out.”

Sustainability Segment: Karen Lee and Hilary Young

Guests Karen Lee, Chief Executive Officer, and Hilary Young, Vice President of Policy & Communications, Pioneer Human Services, speak with Diane Horn about the work of Pioneer Human Services, an entrepreneurial human service organization that provides a chance for change to people overcoming the challenges of substance abuse and criminal histories by offering treatment, housing and employment.