Sustainability Segment: Hannah Owusu-Koranteng, Nadine Kone and Jonathan Scanlon

Guests Hannah Owusu‐Koranteng, Associate Director, WACAM, Ghana, Nadine Kone, Regional Extractive Industries Policy Coordinator, Oxfam America West Africa Regional Office, Senegal, and Jonathan Scanlon, Senior Advocacy Advisor, Oxfam America, United States, speak with Diane Horn about the tensions between extractive industries and agriculture in Ghana and efforts being made to protect small farmers and address poverty.

Sustainability Segmnet: Cathy Tuttle and Jim Curtin

Guests Cathy Tuttle, Executive Director, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways, and Jim Curtin, Traffic Safety Coordinator, Seattle Department of Transportation, speak with Diane Horn about Seattle Neighborhood Greenways and Seattle’s Vision Zero plan.

Sustainability Segment: Paula Swedeen and Joe Kane

Guests Paula Swedeen, Forest Policy Specialist. Washington Environmental Council, and Joe Kane, Executive Director, Nisqually Land Trust, speak with Diane Horn about forest protection in Washington State and the Nisqually Community Forest.