Sustainability Segment: Mo! and Marion Romero

Guests Mo!, Organizer, and Marion Romero, Fellow, of Got Green Young Leaders in the Green Movement, speak with Diane Horn about Got Green Young Leaders’ Green Pathways Campaign and an upcoming City Council Resolution to advance green careers for communities of color and low income communities.

Sustainability Segment: Matthew Streib

Guest Matthew Streib, Director of Communications of the Washington Coalition to Amend the Constitution, speaks with Diane Horn about I-735, a measure that would urge the Washington state congressional delegation to propose a federal constitutional amendment that constitutional rights belong only to individuals, not corporations, and constitutionally-protected free speech excludes the spending of money.


Sustainability Segment: Sasha Pollack

Guest Sasha Pollack, Climate and Clean Energy Program Director, Washington Environmental Council, a member organization of the Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy, speaks with Diane Horn about the Alliance's recently released Climate Action Policy.