Guest Charles Halpern, founder of the Center for Law and Social Policy and board chair of the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society, speaks with Diane Horn about his book, “Making Waves and Riding the Currents: Activism and the Practice of Wisdom.”
Category Archives: Sustainability Segment
Sustainability Segment: Tom Geiger
Guest Tom Geiger, Outreach Director, Washington Environmental Council, speaks with Diane Horn about environmental legislation passed in the 2008 Washington State Legislative Session.
Sustainability Segment: Ted Schettler
Guest Ted Schettler, Science Director, Science and Environmental Health Network, speaks with Diane Horn about the implications for human health of adding fluoride to municipal water systems.
Sustainability Segment: David Wilcove
Guest David Wilcove, professor of ecology, evolutionary biology, and public affairs, Princeton University, speaks with Diane Horn about his book “No Way Home: The Decline of the World’s Great Animal Migrations.”
Sustainability Segment: David Batker and Katherine Davies
Guests David Batker, Founder and Executive Director, Earth Economics, and Katherine Davies, Director and Faculty Member, Center for Creative Change, Antioch University Seattle, speak with Diane Horn about applying ecological economics to the Puget Soun…
Sustainability Segment: Warren Karlenzig
Guest Warren Karlenzig, Chief Strategy Officer, SustainLane, speaks with Diane Horn about his book, “How Green is Your City?,” which ranks the largest 50 U.S. cities for sustainability.
Sustainability Segment: Steven Gilbert (2008)
Guest Steven Gilbert, Director, Institute of Neurotoxicology and Neurological Disorders, speaks with Diane Horn about the health hazards of lead and steps we can take as a society and as individuals to reduce lead exposure.
Sustainability Segment: Kevin Marsh
Guest Kevin Marsh, Assistant Professor of U.S. History and Environmental History, Idaho State University, speaks with Diane Horn about his book “Drawing Lines in the Forest: Creating Wilderness Areas in the Pacific Northwest.”
Sustainability Segment: Susan Gleason
Guest Susan Gleason, Media and Outreach Manager, YES Magazine, speaks with Diane Horn about the 2007 US Social Forum.
Sustainability Segment: Jonathan Mooney
Guest Jonathan Mooney, president of Project Eye-to-Eye, a nonprofit mentoring and advocacy organization for students with learning disabilities, speaks with Diane Horn about his book “The Short Bus: A Journey Beyond Normal.”