Guest Nalini Nadkarni, a Member of the Faculty in the Environmental Studies Program at Evergreen State College, speaks with Diane Horn about the ecological importance of forest canopies.
Category Archives: Sustainability Segment
Sustainability Segments: Rob Dietz
Guest Rob Dietz, Executive Director, Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy, speaks with Diane Horn about the problems with economic growth and the benefits of a steady state economy.
Sustainability Segments: Patrick Mazza
Guest Patrick Mazza, Research Director, Climate Solutions, speaks with Diane Horn about the New Energy Solutions project–the convergence of smart power grids, green intelligent buildings, and plug-in electric vehicles.
Sustainability Segments: Les Leopold
Guest Les Leopold speaks with Diane Horn about his book “The Looting of America: How Wall Street’s Game of Fantasy Finance Destroyed Our Jobs, Pensions, and Prosperity, and What We Can Do About It.”
Sustainability Segments: Bruce Herbert and Larry Dohrs 2009
Guests Bruce Herbert, President, and Larry Dohrs, Vice President, Newground Social Investment, speak with Diane Horn about shareholder advocacy and progress made during the 2009 proxy season in creating positive change in publicly traded corporations.
Sustainability Segments: Lynda Mapes
Guest Lynda Mapes speaks with Diane Horn about her book Breaking Ground: The Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe and the Unearthing of Tse-whit-zen Village.
Sustainability Segments: Dave Reid
Guest Dave Reid, Sail Transport Company, speaks with Diane Horn about petroleum-free delivery of local organic produce in the Puget Sound area.
Sustainability Segment: Robert Glennon
Guest Robert Glennon, Morris K. Udall Professor of Law and Public Policy, Rogers College of Law, University of Arizona, speaks with Diane Horn about his book “Unquenchable: America’s Water Crisis and What to Do About It.”
Sustainability Segments: John de Graaf
Guest John de Graaf, author, filmmaker, and Executive Director of the Take Back your Time Campaign, speaks with Diane Horn about the importance of vacation time for health, environmental protection, and productivity, and the need for a paid vacation law.
Sustainability Segments: Jill Stein
Guest Jill Stein, MD, Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility, speaks with Diane Horn about the report “Environmental Threats to Healthy Aging.”