Guest Liz Hitchcock, Acting Director at Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families, speaks with Diane Horn about implementation of the Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act.
Monthly Archives: July 2018
Sustainability Segment: Gordon Padelford
Guest Gordon Padelford, Executive Director of Seattle Neighborhood Greenways, speaks with Diane Horn about the work of Seattle Neighborhood Greenways to advocate for biking and walking in Seattle and to create safer streets.
Sustainability Segment: Irit Tamir
Guest Irit Tamir, Director, Private Sector Department, Oxfam America, speaks with Diane Horn about Oxfam’s Behind the Barcodes Campaign.
Sustainability Segment: Bruce Herbert
Guest Bruce Herbert, Founder and Chief Executive of Newground Social Investment, speaks with Diane Horn about progress made by shareholder advocacy in creating positive change in publicly traded corporations during 2018.