Guest Eileen Quigley, Director of Strategic Innovation, Climate Solutions, speaks with Diane Horn about the Northwest Biocarbon Initiative and how it fits with other efforts to prevent climate change.
Monthly Archives: August 2013
Sustainability Segment: Kristen Brengel
Guest Kristen Brengel, Director of Legislative and Government Relations, National Parks Conservation Association, speaks with Diane Horn about threats to our National Parks, as well as opportunities to protect and enhance them.
Sustainability Segment: Ellen Brown
Guest Ellen Brown, President, Public Banking Institute, speaks with Diane Horn about her book “The Public Bank Solution: From Austerity to Prosperity”.
Sustainability Segment: Jennifer Grove and Pam Burton
Guests Jennifer Grove, Executive Director, Northwest Seed, and Pam Burton, co-owner, Puget Sound Solar, speak with Diane Horn about progress made in providing solar energy for Washington State and the Solarize Washington program.